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Month: May 2022

Install vmtools to latest version 12.0.0

Follow this procedure.

1 – Download VMware Tools Offline VIB Bundle

2 – Upload the file to a datastore.

Login to Vmware Vsphere web client, Select Esxi server or datastore, on the Configure tab / Manage tab for ESXi, Select Storage/ Datastores, right-click datastore, where you want to upload files, click Browse Files from the context menu.

3- Enable SSH on ESXi Host

4- Connect by ssh

5- Locate the file cd /vmfs/volumes and cd the datastore you upload the file and type the ls to locate the file.

6- Verify the profiles available to install change the “/vmfs/volumes/DatastoreUUID/” for the location of file and type

7 – esxcli software vib install -d “/vmfs/volumes/DatastoreUUID/”

After this update the default will be VMtools 12.